Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Currimundi Camp

It was a sunny morning, the grade five co-hart were getting ready to  leave for camp. Suitcases of different colors, shapes and sizes filled  the area. Parents were saying their goodbyes as they weren't going to  see their child for three days and two nights.
" Bye! Mum!"Manasi said joyfully. " Bye! I will miss you!" Mum said while waving. Manasi was a kind,  playful girl. She had brown, silky wavy hair and deep brown eyes.  Manasi was looking forward for the fun, amazing, exciting camp! 

As she took her place in the bus, she wondered, how the cabins would  like look? Who would be in her cabin and what activities were they  going to do. It was a one hour and forty- five minute drive, so they put  on Madagascar (movie). After a while they reached their destination,  Queensland Recreational Centre (Currimundi Camp). As they got off, Manasi met her friends. Kshirin, Sana, Mer, Angel, Simran and Yashvi.  They sat down and an educator guided them through the rules. Then it  was time for lunch. 

They went to the cafeteria. They were serving... PASTA! One of  Manasi's favourite food! Since Manasi had a dietary requirement  (vegetarian) She and her friends went first. She enjoyed lunch very  much. Then they went to their cabins. In her cabin was Simran,  Kshirin, Yashvi, Mer, Angel, Sana, Paxton, Alexis, Chloe, Keira, Lucy  and Imogen. In the cabin were two rooms. Manasi was in Room 1. She  went inside. There 4 single beds and one bunk- bed. Manasi was  sleeping in the bottom bunk. She unpacked her clothes and her  essentials. Then they headed off to their first activity. Her first activity was the GIANT SWING!! Manasi went to the top. She  went down in a flash. Then they had high ropes. They did their  activities and headed back to their cabins. They had a shower and headed to dinner, there they ate a schnitzel and vegetables. Later, it  was time for the Mini Olympics, Manasi's team came third. After that  she went to sleep. 


It was quite hard for Manasi to sleep, because she couldn't settle in.  But eventually her sleep and went deep sleep. She woke up the next  the morning at 3:03 am and her friends woke up 4:23. They played and  talked in their cabins and talked. Then soon it was breakfast, Manasi  quickly got ready headed down to breakfast. They were starving. They  had a traditional English breakfast. Then they had their four activities,  team time, alpine recusing, catapult and circus skills. The day was  busy as a bee. In the catapult Manasi's friends had an argument. But  at the end, they buried the hatchet. Other than that they had lots of fun. 

It was time for lunch. They filled bellies with Thai food. Then they went  to their cabins for an hr. After an hour he whole co-hart went for a  game for 90 mins. It was 5pm when they finished the game. Year 5 went to pool until 6:30. Manasi had heaps of fun. It was dinner time!  They had a lasganea and garlic bread. It was really good. Then they  went to the sensory room to watch Iceage. After an 1hr and 30mins,  they walked back to their cosy cabin. They went in the cabin hallway...  Suddenly there was a black, creepy face on the window. " Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Everyone screamed their lungs out. Mer,  Paxton, Alexis, Kshirin and Chloe all started crying. Everyone was on  the edge. They bolted to the teachers cabin. They explained everything.  "It's only only once in a blue moon that an intruder comes in this highly  - secured, safe and protected place. " Assured Mrs Patane. The  teachers suspected it was the boys cabin. Then we went to the cabin  and slept. At fist everyone refused to sleep but eventually the dozed  off. 

Manasi woke up the next morning. It was they're last day here at  Queensland Recreational Centre. They had breakfast and put on the  their swim wear and went to kayaking. Manasi's group went to 

Currimundi Creek. They went into the cold water and started kayaking.  Then one of Manasi's friend, Mer accidentally hit her with an ore.  Manasi was in pain. But then she cured by an ice-pack. After, Manasi  first time experience of kayaking, they had lunch. During lunch, a boy  called Asvin let the cat out of they bag. He was the culprit of last night. 

Then the moment had come to go home. 

By Manasi Charantimath

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