Thursday, February 3, 2022

My Family

My Family

My family is unique,
We are all mystique,
And are quite sleek,
So take a peek,

My dad is a delight,
Because he likes to write,
He is awake all night, (that is why he is always sleepy)
But in the morning he is still bright!

Magnificent, magical and marvelous mum, ( a little bit massive)
She makes food that makes me say "YUM,"
She certainly isn't dumb,
And she is never glum.

My sister is sweet as honey,
But for some reason she loves money,
She is really funny (sometimes annoying),
And I love to call her Sunny.

Finally, I saved the best for the last, ME!
But I guarantee,
I will always be glee,
Because I am the best in the family!


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Currimundi Camp

It was a sunny morning, the grade five co-hart were getting ready to  leave for camp. Suitcases of different colors, shapes and sizes filled  the area. Parents were saying their goodbyes as they weren't going to  see their child for three days and two nights.
" Bye! Mum!"Manasi said joyfully. " Bye! I will miss you!" Mum said while waving. Manasi was a kind,  playful girl. She had brown, silky wavy hair and deep brown eyes.  Manasi was looking forward for the fun, amazing, exciting camp! 

As she took her place in the bus, she wondered, how the cabins would  like look? Who would be in her cabin and what activities were they  going to do. It was a one hour and forty- five minute drive, so they put  on Madagascar (movie). After a while they reached their destination,  Queensland Recreational Centre (Currimundi Camp). As they got off, Manasi met her friends. Kshirin, Sana, Mer, Angel, Simran and Yashvi.  They sat down and an educator guided them through the rules. Then it  was time for lunch. 

They went to the cafeteria. They were serving... PASTA! One of  Manasi's favourite food! Since Manasi had a dietary requirement  (vegetarian) She and her friends went first. She enjoyed lunch very  much. Then they went to their cabins. In her cabin was Simran,  Kshirin, Yashvi, Mer, Angel, Sana, Paxton, Alexis, Chloe, Keira, Lucy  and Imogen. In the cabin were two rooms. Manasi was in Room 1. She  went inside. There 4 single beds and one bunk- bed. Manasi was  sleeping in the bottom bunk. She unpacked her clothes and her  essentials. Then they headed off to their first activity. Her first activity was the GIANT SWING!! Manasi went to the top. She  went down in a flash. Then they had high ropes. They did their  activities and headed back to their cabins. They had a shower and headed to dinner, there they ate a schnitzel and vegetables. Later, it  was time for the Mini Olympics, Manasi's team came third. After that  she went to sleep. 


It was quite hard for Manasi to sleep, because she couldn't settle in.  But eventually her sleep and went deep sleep. She woke up the next  the morning at 3:03 am and her friends woke up 4:23. They played and  talked in their cabins and talked. Then soon it was breakfast, Manasi  quickly got ready headed down to breakfast. They were starving. They  had a traditional English breakfast. Then they had their four activities,  team time, alpine recusing, catapult and circus skills. The day was  busy as a bee. In the catapult Manasi's friends had an argument. But  at the end, they buried the hatchet. Other than that they had lots of fun. 

It was time for lunch. They filled bellies with Thai food. Then they went  to their cabins for an hr. After an hour he whole co-hart went for a  game for 90 mins. It was 5pm when they finished the game. Year 5 went to pool until 6:30. Manasi had heaps of fun. It was dinner time!  They had a lasganea and garlic bread. It was really good. Then they  went to the sensory room to watch Iceage. After an 1hr and 30mins,  they walked back to their cosy cabin. They went in the cabin hallway...  Suddenly there was a black, creepy face on the window. " Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Everyone screamed their lungs out. Mer,  Paxton, Alexis, Kshirin and Chloe all started crying. Everyone was on  the edge. They bolted to the teachers cabin. They explained everything.  "It's only only once in a blue moon that an intruder comes in this highly  - secured, safe and protected place. " Assured Mrs Patane. The  teachers suspected it was the boys cabin. Then we went to the cabin  and slept. At fist everyone refused to sleep but eventually the dozed  off. 

Manasi woke up the next morning. It was they're last day here at  Queensland Recreational Centre. They had breakfast and put on the  their swim wear and went to kayaking. Manasi's group went to 

Currimundi Creek. They went into the cold water and started kayaking.  Then one of Manasi's friend, Mer accidentally hit her with an ore.  Manasi was in pain. But then she cured by an ice-pack. After, Manasi  first time experience of kayaking, they had lunch. During lunch, a boy  called Asvin let the cat out of they bag. He was the culprit of last night. 

Then the moment had come to go home. 

By Manasi Charantimath

Mrs Patane -My year 5 teacher

You thought me me adaption,

You know the multiplication

You're the best teacher in the Nation,

woo hoo!!!!

You have teacher's super power,

You smell like Jasmine flower,

You've have been my side,

When I laughed and cried.

You use all your logic,

You are the just magic

This was the fastest year,

To say goodbye, just bring me tears!!!!

Thanks You Mrs Patane!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Wedding Annivesary Dada and Amma

 Happy Anniversary 

By Manasi. Charantimath 

Gouri wore a beautiful sari,

Mahantesh tied Gouri a life long tali,

You were officially husband and wife,

For the rest of your life.

Gouri gave upeet and tea,

She said "you will be with me,"

She followed her parents orders,

And crossed the home borders.

Mahantesh went to her house,

He was quiet as a mouse,

Mahantesh's parents were happy to the moon,

They got married at noon.

They got married at June 13,

They created a memorable scene,

Shastri Ajja and Annapoorna Ajji made Gouri and Mahantesh together,



Uppittu- Upama

Tali- Mangal surta,tied during Marriage.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Nundah Farmers Market

Nundah Farmers Market 

By Manasi Charantimath 

All fresh foods for sale,

Apple, banana, cucumber and kale,

Delicious and yummy food,

The market brings me in a good mood.

You can taste coffee and tea,

The market is the place to be,


Will make you awake.

You can hear people sing,

The market is the best thing,

You can hear calculators make a sound,

The market is the happiest thing around.

I can see people eat,

And see people sell meat,

I can see people talk,

And I can see people walk.


Doughnut Doll, Banana Boy and Momo Man,

I am a market fan!

Happy Aniversery Ajja ajji

Happy Aniversery 

He put on the tali,

You were brave as Kali,

You guys ate all the delicious food,

Ajja & Ajji were in a good mood.

Ajja wore a dotra,

Ajji said her mantra,

They prayed to Shiva & Shyam,

And to Brahma & Ram.

You chatted and laughed day and night,

Ajja and ajji had an  auspicious light,

Together they shone really bright.

Today is your Aniversery day,


Magnificent Mum


My mum has the purest soul,

You have a really good goal,

You have mum's superpowers,

Mum, you smell like flowers.

You're smart & kind,

You have an optimistic mind,

You dance and cook,

You love to read books.

You care for me,

You are part of the family,

You love to drink delicious tea,

You bring me glee!


Saturday, February 20, 2021

The train

 Busy people in train stations,
Train station all over the nation,
Trains here ,trains there,

Indian trains serve tea,
Let's go on trains you & me,
Terrific trains travel on the tracks,
Trains stay together just like a pack.

Quiet carriages are as quiet as a mouse,
Would you rather stay go on a train or stay in your house,
Trains make my day,
I love trains, HORRAY! HORRAY!


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Hogwart Houses

 Slytherin, Gryffindor ,

Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw.

Hufflepuffs like to cook,

Ravenclaws have their noses in books

Gryffindors are tremendously brave,

Slytherins make everyone their slave.

Helena's award,

Is really broad,

Godric's sword,

Beats the dark lord

Rowena's crown,

Is worse than your frown,

Salazar's locket,

Is better than a rocket.

Hufflepuffs are hard-working and kind,

Ravenclaws always use their mind,

Gryffindors are brave,

Slytherins will be digging your grave.



Happy Birthday Amma

Today is the day, you got the birth,

You're the greatest mum, women, wife,

Happy birthday mum,

Without you I'd be dumb.

Mama, mama your so smart,

You always get an A for art,

You use your brain and logic,

It's like you are magic.

You can dance and  sing,

You can do anything,

You know multiplication,

You know the capital of the nation!


Thursday, April 16, 2020



Corona is it's name,
It has a lot of fame,
It's spiky and round,
It means crown.

It's harmful as a snake,
Don't make stories fake,
Careful measures have to take,
It's making the whole world shake.

Cover your cough or sneeze,
Otherwise you will get the Corona disease,
Now a days people wear masks,
And have to do special tasks.

People have to be 2 meters,
Until the 1st of May,
No kisses,handshakes or hugs,
Otherwise you will get that vicious bug.

We need to find a cure,
To make that virus disappear,
Doctors and nurses are in a relentless fight,
Almighty lead us to kindly light.

go Corona go

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Nundah State School

                                      Nundah State School

Nundah State School,
It's an education tool.
it has swimming pool,
it's very very cool   ||1||

It's very old,
more precious than gold.
teachers are told,
make student bold  ||2||

it had thirty student before,
now it has thousand more.
student desks are neat,
it has many place to eat   ||3||

some subjects make you smart,
while others like art,
students likes to run,
in a very hot sun ||4||

Principal and staffs are reselient,
that's why school is brillaint.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mother's Day

Mother oh Mother,
You are very super.
You feel like leather,
In a very cold weather.

In east or west,
She is the best.
She is always in a quest,
Then she needs a rest.

She is a buddy,
Who likes study.
Also makes food yummy
She is the best Mummy !!!!!!!

Happy mother's Day!!!!!!!!!

The Park

As I walk through the park,
I hear fluffy dogs bark,
As I step on the leaves,
they make a sound like
crunch, crunch, crunch.
Then I hear people enjoying
their picnics and making
sounds like munch,munch,munch

Then I hear my friends
call me over here and say lets play.

Australia Day

Australia day,Australia day,
It's public holiday.
Time for beach stay,
With lots of games to play.

In a hot sun,
Will have lots of fun.
With beach run,
Will enjoy the fun.

Aussie flag will fly,
Fireworks in the night sky.
People will buy,
Timtam and apple pie.

Some prefers barbques,
Others will like to watch movies.
Cherish the memories with mates,
Shout oz oz on every possibilities.


Santa-clause is coming to town,
please don't have a frown
he will bring a crown for a queen
Be good on Christmas, don't be mean  ||1||

Reindeers, Angles and elfs,
presents all over the shelves
soccer ball, scooter or a pet,
May be even a doctor set                     ||2||

Friends and Family get together
In a snowy weather
we'll pray to the Priest
then will have festive feast                    ||3||     

Homes will be decorated at night
children will have snowball fight
Hope our future will be bright
Santa, lead us to kindly light                ||4||

My Family

My Family My family is unique, We are all mystique, And are quite sleek, So take a peek, OF MY FAMILY!!!! My dad is a delight, Because he li...